21st–25th April, 5:00pm–9:00pm/10:00pm – The Grotowski Institute, Laboratory Theatre Room, Rynek-Ratusz 27
Love. Accept yourself, love someone – the sun, an animal, a tree, a mountain. Love yourself a s you are. Open yourself to knowing and transforming yourself. To transform and gain awareness means to do things. Try to be active during the working session. Dance away your stress, uncertainties and internal imbalance, sing out your pain, order your wayward thoughts. In the vibration of shared energy, towards the ascension to an uncommon dimension of being, we can experience the unity of our human impulses. Through the liberated language of the heart we become disarmed and experience a meeting with another person who, with us close by, can now believe he/she is not alone. Through movement we create dance. Through sound we create a song of power. Through rhythm we create an inner journey.

Rena Mirecka – maestra del Parateatro grotowskiano
What guides us is the Energy of Great Nature flowing from the earth, from the sky and from the unknown. Our hearts can reopen. Thus a meeting between You and another human bei ng can occur. The teaching that goes deep into ourselves can release creative energy. An open heart will help the process. Who knocks, the door will open. Who loves has the door opened. Without providing detailed technical guidance, I’m trying to open everyone in the group, I am present through activities, rites and improvisation. Bring musical instruments, a leather exercise belt (or a yoga belt), a scarf or shawl and comfortable white clothes. And a flower. The work will start at 17:00pm and continue for 3 to 5 hours. Come. I’m waiting for you. Rena
Detailed information and applications: Izabela Młynarz – iza@grotowski-institute.art.pl Everyone can be creative and take an active part in the CARAVAN Laboratory (Laboratorium KARAWANA) to explore his/her personal inner values and open him or herself to doing things with other people.
Rena Mirecka was the actress of Jerzy Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium (Laboratory Theatre) from 1959 to its dissolution in the year 1984. She performed in all his performances, among other things in so well known in the world as Acropolis, The Constant Prince and Apocalypsis cum Figuris. On the base of experiences taken from the work in Teatr Laboratorium (Laboratory Theatre) Rena Mirecka conducts meetings and workshops for participants from all over the world.
PRACTICAL INFORMATIONS Session is led in Polish, English and Italian. Number of participants: 17. Fee: 150 Eur (400 zl for participants from Central and Eastern Europe) without lodging and food. Anyone interested in participation in the CARAVAN Laboratory is kindly requested to send an application form (in the attachment) to iza@grotowski-institute.art.pl .
The Grotowski Institute Rynek-Ratusz 27, 50-101 Wroclaw
tel./faks (071) 34 34 267 tel. (071) 34 45 320 tel. (071) 34 31 711 (Programme) www.grotowski-institute.art.pl